Case Study: How a Cooking Contest Became Our Secret Sauce for Brand Awareness

Published on 26 Jan, '24 by HelloFresh Group

Case Study: How a Cooking Contest Became Our Secret Sauce for Brand Awareness

We're always looking for fun ways to enhance the dining experience for our customers, and our recent partnership with a well-known CPG brand is a testament to that.

The Challenge

A prominent CPG brand approached us to help them drive brand awareness for their newly released product. The goal was to create curiosity and interest among customers, ultimately driving trials and increasing sales. This required a strategic approach that would excite our customers and highlight the benefits and possibilities of this collaboration.

The Approach

We implemented a diverse strategy to leverage our audience and build anticipation:

  1. Virtual Cooking Contest: We organized a virtual cooking contest to raise awareness about the versatility of the CPG brand’s product. This contest engaged our customers and encouraged them to try the featured product through our HelloFresh meal-kits, showcasing the exciting culinary possibilities.
  2. Promotional Flyer: A specially designed promotional flyer, featuring our partner’s product, was included in all our meal-kits. This encouraged our customers to explore the benefits and elevate their cooking.
  3. Social Media Promotion: We actively promoted the partnership on popular social media platforms, such as Instagram, where we showcased the integration of our partner’s product into delicious recipes. Engaging posts and stories captured the attention of our existing and potential customers, creating a buzz and generating excitement around the recipes. Cross-promotion with our partner’s Facebook channels further amplified the reach and impact of our collaboration.
  4. E-Blast Campaign: To maximize reach and generate anticipation, we sent an E-Blast to our customer base. This email campaign promoted the featured recipe and encouraged our customers to place their orders, ensuring they didn't miss out.

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The Results

The partnership received overwhelmingly positive customer feedback, demonstrating its success. Here are some notable examples:

  • "This one was so amazing I wish I could give it 20 stars!"
  • "Fantastic flavour, and hopefully, I'm able to find [company’s] sauce for sale to add this to the list of meals I make at home."
  • "The free bottle of [product name] was a really nice extra, as it's good on salads and even sandwiches."

Through carefully integrating the brand’s new product into our recipes and executing a series of targeted promotions, we were able to captivate our customers, encourage product testing, and receive overwhelmingly positive feedback. This collaboration underscores the importance of strategic partnerships in elevating the culinary experience and nurturing brand loyalty. 

If you’d like to learn more about our partnership program, please contact us. We’d love to hear from you!

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