How E-commerce Sampling Can Grow Your Dairy Brand

Published on 10 Nov, '23 by HelloFresh Group

How E-commerce Sampling Can Grow Your Dairy Brand

In the evolving dairy industry, knowing how to drive brand awareness for traditional and alternative products can be a challenge for some brands. As competition intensifies and consumer preferences shift, innovation becomes essential. That’s where e-commerce sampling comes into play. It’s a powerful tool that enables dairy brands to strengthen their market presence and consumer relationships. 

What Is E-Commerce Sampling?

E-commerce sampling is a low-cost approach that helps build brand awareness by offering a free sample within a customer’s existing order.

How Can Sampling Drive Innovation for Dairy Brands?

As dietary habits change, it’s important for the dairy industry to adapt to consumer trends. But innovation should go beyond developing new products and flavours. Instead, companies should consider shaping consumer interaction with their brand. A good dairy product sampling program can easily achieve this by providing products directly to consumers, establishing a personal connection and an immediate channel for feedback.

Benefits of E-commerce Sampling

We've seen firsthand how e-commerce sampling is a valuable tool for food and beverage testing. It provides customers with the opportunity to try new products with little risk. This approach is crucial for gathering consumer insights and understanding customer preferences. Additionally, it’s a great way to boost positive word-of-mouth for new product launches.

By promoting product trials, dairy companies can lower the entry barrier, inviting consumers to experience the quality and taste of dairy products without committing to a full purchase. Plus, e-commerce sampling is an excellent strategy for assessing audience size and forecasting demand.

Recipe Integration to Elevate Brands

Some sampling programs also offer the option of integrating a recipe to boost awareness. For example, when a top-tier cheese company approached us to promote their brand, we partnered with them on a recipe integration. We introduced dishes to our customers that incorporated their premium cheeses without overt marketing. As a result, we were not only able to drive conversions for the brand, but also received positive feedback from our customers.

View the case study to read the full story.

Our Innovative Solution to Refrigeration

We understand that e-commerce sampling relies on the ability to deliver products without compromising quality. Dairy products require strict temperature control to ensure freshness upon delivery. That's why HelloFresh's packaging solutions, specifically designed to meet these requirements, are at the forefront of e-commerce sampling. Our packaging is a testament to our commitment to maintaining product integrity while prioritizing environmental consciousness.

We take pride in refrigerated boxes that combine innovation with practicality. Our advanced packaging, including the Paper Pouch and water-based ice packs, keeps perishable dairy products delivered fresh longer. Our dedication to sustainable and efficient packaging aligns with the refrigeration needs of the dairy industry, setting a high standard for e-commerce sampling logistics.

How Your Dairy Company Can Get Involved

E-commerce sampling goes beyond traditional promotional tactics. It represents a strategic revolution for the dairy CPG industry. It perfectly aligns with consumer expectations for convenience, quality, and environmental mindfulness. With HelloFresh's packaging solutions, dairy companies can enhance their brand visibility and strengthen connections with their customers.

If you’re interested in our product sampling program or a different type of partnership, please contact us. We’d love to hear from you.

Learn About Our Sampling Program